
Pinyon is not accepting submissions for 2024, as we are working on our 30th anniversary commemorative issue!


We are not currently accepting books for possible review, or book review submissions.

We are interested in previously unpublished poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Examples can be found on our Previews page, but our best advice to those wishing to be published with us is to get a copy and become familiar with PINYON.

See Subscriptions here to obtain a sample copy!

Our reading period is August 1 to December 1. Manuscripts received outside this time-frame will be returned unread. We respond in February and publish early summer.

We appreciate pieces with a clear voice, strong vision, and are open to experimental fiction (see bottom of (Previews page). Simultaneous submissions are acceptable if they are identified as such, and the author agrees to notify us immediately if the work is accepted elsewhere. Please include a brief cover letter with each submission. Pieces may be submitted either electronically through Submittable or through postal mail. When submitting electronically, please include all of your pieces in one .doc or .docx file with no more than one piece per document page. Include your contact information on each page of your submission. If you would like the hard copy of your piece returned, provide a S.A.S.E.

For postal submissions, use the following address:

Languages, Literature, and Mass Communication
Colorado Mesa University
1100 North Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501-3122

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